Worrydolls is a new app for iOS and Android. When I was small, my grandmother gave me a tiny set of dolls. The dolls could listen to your worries, she said, an if you put them under your pillow the worries would go away.
The app is very simple. It lets you tell your worry to a worrydoll. Then, the doll worries it for you. Over time, you can tell the worrydoll more about the worry, or simply let the worrydoll know you are worried. When the worry is finished, the doll is given a crown and goes to a new, sunnier place in the app.
I am especially happy with the fact that the app has no business model. The data is all 100% private and is never shared. No ads, no fees, no in-app purchases. There are so many problems caused by phones, but I also think phones must be part of the solution.